This is my painting/ vinyl decal artwork.
Compare to the one a few posts down...
Ballard Designs = $369
Casa de Wills = $60
Sounds good to me!
Where there's a Wills, there's a way!
It's sad and disgusting how people will compromise themselves, everything that every fiber of their being tells them is wrong, for a golf clap, or a temporary pat on the back.
It's sad how people confuse morals and values (forget intuition, or instinct!) with "human rights."
It's sad how "human rights" are more important than morals and values, because of human fueled fear.
I am disgusted...
I don't care if I am accepted. I know what is right and wrong, by God's book alone I stand, and I don't care if it makes an American angry, or they try and take away my "crown" because of a "wrong answer" in the pageant... THANK GOD for someone who will admit and stand for their morals and values, even when they aren't the majority vote.
I have morals, and values, and I can see a distinct difference between them, and today's "freedom" and "human rights." I have instinct, and a "gut feeling," and know when something isn't right. I have to wonder if people compromise, or forget, or just plain ignore these things for fear of being an "unacceptable" human.
That doesn't matter to me. He is the one I answer to in the end, and I will be happy to say that I did my best at accepting EVERY human for who they are, and never condemned, (We are all equal, bust most of us don't see it that way, especially when it comes to the unborn, like they are any different...), meanwhile never compromising His name, and what I know to be true.