I am a nice person. I personally think I am a nice person at least. I would be happy to have a friend like me... at least I think I would. And I would be darn happy to be married to a girl like me, (if I was a guy at least...)
Now that I have confused you...

I feel I am in a constant state of chasing tail (my own tail that is.) Friends, family, relationships, life, chores, money... you name it, I am chasing it. I strive for the best, and give my 110% to anything I encounter, whether I think they are worth my time or not. I was taught to be the bigger person in all situations...and I think that just might become my own demise...
Why is it when I give, I have to give more, not be given the opportunity to recieve?
Why is it when I work, I have to work harder and no praise?
Why is it when I be all I can be, I get higher expectations and not appreciation?
I am a striver, a deliverer, and a do-good, make it happen, work for it kind of girl... but I am just about officially worn. I try, and I pump it out, and work it out, and fix it, and answer all questions I can, and walk on egg shells, and hold a make it or break it mentality... I get it done.
I have two uber sweet and amazing, intuitive boys. I have tried to turn my body from an incubator for two, to a powerhouse, a wonderland, a cuddly pillow, and a little slice of heaven... and for some reason I still feel that isn't good enough. How do I still feel that isn't good enough? There has to be some secondary factor playing into this...
I am social. I try my hardest to make everyone happy, and with one happy person I get two UNhappy persons... that's how great THAT idea works. I clean, I cook, I go out, I stay in, I go to church, I have extra- curricular activities, I have my boys going to a great sitter, I have them in programs as well, I let my husband do as he pleases... all the time. And somehow, I am still not complete, and still can't find that happy medium that everyone suggests and expects me to be. I am not outgoing enough, I don't spend enough time with my sons, I am not involved enough, I am not spiritual enough, I am not a good friend, I could be a better wife, I could be more understanding, I could not wear my feelings on my shoulders...
...I see a few conflicts here that I don't think I can resolve for everyone that wants to throw their opinion my way....
But it's never enough... will never be enough... and I am chasing my tail, on egg shells that is. I wonder if others feel this way. If I knew for a fact I wasn't giving my all into everything I do, maybe I wouldn't be so voiced about this... it makes me mad when people play victim, or pull the pity me card. But seriously, where is MY slice of the proverbial pie, when do I get a break, and when do I finally feel like all of my strenuous efforts have finally paid off....
I need a sabbatical...
Sounds like you need a Halloween night in the country...let your hair down...the boyz can bob for apples and pee off the front porch...you can too if that pleezes you! Yee-Haw!!!
Told ya a looooong time agooooo baby girl---sometimes ya got ta wipe the shite of of them shoes or ya drag thru it the rest of the {house}. Take gray-streaks advise above- grab da box-o-vino -wipe your'n feet and mr.man dis & and dat! {your LIFE}
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