Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Blind leading the Blind

This is just ridiculous. I left a comment:
All sins ARE equal. The only reason we aren't HEADHUNTING the divorcee's is because they don't go around promoting their divorce, wanting other's to get divorced, and pushing that it is OKAY to divorce on our children. ALL SINS ARE EQUAL, murder, Sodomy, sloth, envy... all of it. And as I myself am a sinner, just like every other human on this earth, I will repent for the things I envy, the things that I lust, and I WILL NOT flaunt them for the world to be influenced by. I AM A CHRISTIAN, and I AM NO BETTER THAN ANY SINNER in a prison, or out on a street corner. But the difference being that I will not influence others with my sins, but repent for them and help and love others to do the same. What does you being gay have to do with me? Nothing. It is your choice, but God gives us choices, because we ARE free. It is up to US to decide what we are going to do with them, and if we are going to go the way of the world (THE EASY WAY,) or to stick by His side as He has us, whether you want him to or not.

By the way, just do a simple Google search on homosexuality in the bible. No go out and buy a bible, and compare notes. Don't just take certain phrases and twist them around to make you feel better about what you are doing. I think that you will find the answer there. You might end up needing that bible someday anyway...


abbienormyl said...

No one could get their hair done on the West coast today...."the horror"...

Denney Crane said...

Very well written...but it was not as good as the passionate feeling I have on this very subject. But your welcome to feel me and see..."I can write it better than you've ever felt it."

Please write more...and as a favor, increase your font size so I don't have to put on my reading glasses...
